Bring new customers to your bakery

Our users are looking for the local bakery that best suits their tastes and needs. Bring them to yours with Wecake!
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Make your cake shop stand out

Promote your bakery with the resources that Wecake offers you. Don't miss this opportunity!

Understanding the baking industry without differentiating is not possible, specially for the artisan baker. Showing the ingredients you use on a daily basis, together with the services you offer, from a quantitative and qualitative perspective can genuinely help you to grow and succeed. We provide you with a state-of-the-art platform that allows you to share this information online with your potential customers.

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The advantages of joining Wecake

Find out why more and more artisan bakers are using Wecake
Manage your profile online

Create your account and keep the information available about your bakery up to date with ease. Turn your Wecake profile into a real showcase for your products online

Redirect the searches

Choose what information you want users to see when they find your site on search engines. Increase your business presence online

Lead us to your cake shop

By geo-locating your cake shop with our app, we bring your customers directly to your door. The entrance of your establishment is just one click away

Customer service made easy

With just one click, customers can contact your bakery directly from their smartphone. Recieving orders from clients has never been so easy.

Showcase your services

Do you offer home delivery options? Can your customers pick up their order directly in-store? Do you provide a wide range of products or services? All this information can be easily displayed on our online platform

Connect your profile to social networks

Link all your contact channels to your Wecake page, including your business' social media profiles, and increase your followers.

Would you like to gain more customers?

Join Wecake and become part of our family of artisan bakeries. Attracting new clients has never been so easy!
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