

Norfolk Cres, Tyburnia. W2 2DN, London (London W2 2DN)

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Naomi Haynes
Sweet Justice Cakes are amazing and Mitty is an incredible talent! I ordered 12 cupcakes and a birthday cake for my birthday celebrations and they looked amazing and were absolutely delicious. Being plant-based and not eating sugar was just no challenge for Mitty at all - the cakes were some of the best treats I have ever eaten EVER! And the service is amazing - Mitty is incredibly responsive, quick and lovely to deal with. Thanks so much to Mitty, for incorporated all my favourites into the cakes (the colour red, raspberries, lemon etc). I thoroughly recommend Sweet Justice Cakes to anyone and I am now just thinking when I can justify my next order....
Brigitta Scholz Mastroianni
LOOK at my Geisha Cake sweetjusticecake! A MASSIVE success. Mitty put her heart and soul into this creation, from the yummy chocolaty inside life of the cake to the edible butterflies and flowers. This huge masterpiece has made many people SO happy.... Round about 6kgs of pure joy. A birthday mission accomplished. Thanks Mitty! Bravo????! HIGHLY recommended
yasemin gonul
One of the best cakes I’ve had! Mitty has created a great cake for a friend’s birthday with very little input from me. I was expecting a very simple vanilla-chocolate cake and what I got was a piece of art, looking gorgeous, so fresh and yummy! Many thanks Mitty, I’ll soon come back with a cause for celebration ?

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